Small or Medium company
Big corporations have a lot of resource for everything, but in smaller companies you always need to do so many things with very few people. Therefore you nee to be as efficient as possible.
And to help you with your daily operations and to be more profitable we created online solution, where you can do and get what is important for you:
- Sales operations and better control
- Products and warehouse management
- Invoices
- Better predictive planning
- Increased customers satisfaction
- Bigger profit and competitive advantage
So how it can help to you?
Individual or freelancer
You can print (or send pdf file) sales/work order, with a list of things that was done. Detailing for customer, how much each part cost, so he’s happier and more willing to come back. And in addition you are saving time. If you had similar projects in past, you can give better prediction, for how long it will take to do and how much it will cost to the customer. And no one likes unexpected expenses.
If you see that you are buying a lot in some shop, you might negotiate better prices and get bigger discount. Or just make notes for yourself about particular customer (maybe he’s very generous with payments, or maybe opposite – he’s very picky about something and you want to remember that for future).
So how can we help you?
- Save details of what the customer bought from you.
You will know more about your customer and will have opportunity for after sale. You will know what he might want for next time and can actively suggest same or similar product after some time.
- Printing invoice for client and put as many or few details detail there as you or your client wants.
You will look more professional and can save some time, if you will need to send invoice information to accountant.
- Create sale order separate from invoice, so you can keep all details about project private.
Sometimes you might want to have different information about project, that can be seen only by you (for example price for some material, or full list of works that was done). This helps to know real price for project and you will be in better position, when next customer asks for a price.
- Keep any information about customers you would like to have.
If you want to have good relation with your customers, you need to know them better. And that means having at least basic information about them. In addition you want to quickly find, what was done for them, so you can offer something more, or just ask if they are happy. And of course, there might be someone, who isn’t that good, maybe delay payments or are very picky about small things, you definitely want to remember that.
- Store information about previous projects – what was done and how much it costs.
Best way to know, how much it will cost is look at previous projects. There will be difference, but it’s much easier to give basic price when you already have concrete example. And you can much easier negotiate price, when you can point to customer that you had done it before and why it cost so much. And if they want to get it cheaper you might give them list of something that is optional to do. And keep all that information just for yourself, it don’t need to be exposed to customer.
- Work from anywhere and don’t waist money on special computers or support.
How it works?
Want to know more details? Just contact us at [email protected] and we will call you back or have a meeting and will explain with all details you want.